Associate professor
Department of Chemical Engineering
University of Bahrain
Dr. Shaker Haji is an Associate Professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Bahrain (UOB). He holds a B.Sc. degree from King Abdul Aziz University (1999) and M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from University of Connecticut (2005). He teaches several chemical engineering courses at UOB, including chemical reaction engineering, thermodynamics, introductory chemical engineering courses, process instrumentations, and fuel cell technology. He holds Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice from York St. John University College/University of Bahrain (2007). Dr. Haji was on a one-year industrial assignment with the Research and Development Center (R&DC) of Saudi Aramco in Dhahran (2009). He served as the Chairman of the Department of Chemical Engineering at UOB for the years 2011-2015. He has authored/co-authored many peer-reviewed articles and contributed a chapter in a book on fuel and fuel processing for fuel cell applications. His recent publications and research interests are in the area of water and energy application, including wastewater treatment, fossil fuel processing, renewable energy, and fuel cell technology. Dr. Haji lectured in several short courses on the topics of renewable energy, laboratory measurements, and fundamentals of chemical