World Renewable Energy Network (WREN)
The World Renewable Energy Congress (WREC) and Network (WREN) is a non-profit organization that was established in 1990 to promote the transmission of renewable energy technology from developed to developing nations. Prof. Dr. Adnan Badran, Deputy Director General of UNESCO, served as their Honorary President for over ten years. WREC is a British company that organizes conferences and seminars, as well as publishes books, journals, and magazines in the field of Renewable Energy throughout the globe. More than 40 countries have hosted the Congress, including Australia, the United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, the United States of America, the United Arab Emirates, and Sweden. Over eighty countries have been represented at the Congress. Italy, Canada, Colombia, Algeria, Kuwait, Bahrain, Malaysia, Zambia, Malawi, India, West Indies, Tunisia, Indonesia, Libya, Taiwan, UAE, Oman, Czech Republic, Bahrain, Germany, Poland, Netherlands, Thailand, South Korea, Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Morocco, Sweden, France, USA, China, Sri Lanka, and the United Kingdom have all hosted regional conferences. H.H. Olafur Ragnar Grimsson, President of Iceland, Dr. Romano Prodi, Prime Minister of Italy, Rt. Hon. Dr. Stephen Timms MP, Rt. Hon. John Redwood MP, Rt. Hon. John Gummer MP, Sir Norman Foster, the Hon. Sir Jonathon Porritt, Crown Prince Faisal of Jordan, H. E. Dr Abdulaziz Bin Othman Altwaijri – Director General of ISESCO, he is currently WREN Honorary Chairman, Rt. Olafur Ragnar Grimnarson is Sri Lanka’s prime minister. Princess Victoria of Sweden, H.E. Ranil Wickremasinghe, the Honorable Minister of Megapolis and Western Development Patali Champika Ranawaka, and H.E. WREN collaborated with the United Nations, UNESCO, WEC, UNIDO, UNEP, WMO, WHO, ESCWA, ISES, SER, the European Union, the Commonwealth Science Council, and the World Bank.
WREN Website