Prof. Karen M. Gambaryan
Professor Karen Gambaryan has completed his PhD thesis in 1988 at Yerevan State University (YSU). He has defended the second doctorate dissertation (habilitation) and received Doctor of Science (Physics) degree at 2013. Currently, he is the head of the Department of Physics of Semiconductors and Microelectronics at YSU. Since 2015, he is a Full Professor and Senior Researcher at YSU. He is an author of two course-manuals. He has published more than 60 scientific papers in widely reputed journals and has been invited and delivered invited talks in more than 20 International Conferences, as well as author of 3 Patents. H-index: 11. Fields of scientific interests: Physics of semiconductors and semiconductor devices; Semiconductor materials science and technology; Infrared and thermo-photovoltaic devices; Nanoelectronics and nanotechnology. He has been granted five times by the Deutsche Akademische Austauschdienst (DAAD) Awards and performed numerous research visits to Germany. In 2014, he was granted by Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and worked as a Research Professor in CAS Institute of Semiconductors. He is a member and advisor of the World Renewable Energy Network (WREN), member of the Asia-Pacific Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engineering Society. He was awarded by YSU Gold Medal in 2020. In 2023 he has been granted by “WREN Pioneer Award”. He is an Editor-in-Chief of “Journal of Contemporary Physics” (Springer) and “Armenian Journal of Physics” (National Academy of Sciences of Armenia). Married with two children.