Prof. Kamaruzzaman Sopian

Renewable Energy Research Expert - Malaysia

Prof. Kamaruzzaman Sopian

Renewable Energy Research Expert - Malaysia
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Hydrogen Production and Fuel Cell Technology

This session will explore the hydrogen economy’s potential as a clean energy source amidst global energy challenges, focusing on hydrogen’s role as a versatile energy carrier. Participants will learn about sustainable and efficient hydrogen production techniques, current global trends in hydrogen utilization, and successful case studies that demonstrate real-world applications. The session will also delve into fuel cell technology, examining different types of fuel cells, their characteristics, and
performance indicators. Finally, the discussion will address the future of hydrogen production and fuel cells, highlighting the importance of infrastructure development, government support, and the role of research and innovation in scaling up hydrogen solutions.

Presenter: Prof Dato’ Dr. Kamaruzzaman Sopian earned his BSME from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, his MS from the University of Pittsburgh, and his PhD from the University of Miami-Coral Gables. He is currently a Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia. His main contributions include advanced solar photovoltaic systems (such as grid-connected photovoltaics, solar-powered regenerative fuel cells, solar hydrogen production, and thin film silicon solar cells), and advanced solar thermal systems (including solar cooling, solar heat pumps, solar-assisted drying, and combined photovoltaic-thermal collectors). Dr. Sopian received numerous international honours, including the World Renewable Energy Network Pioneer Award, the IDB (Islamic Development Bank) S&T Prize and listed among the Highly Cited Researchers, Clarivate Analytics.