Dorota Chwieduk Prof., DSc. PhD., M.Sc., Mech.Eng. Deputy Director of the Heat Engineering Institute at Warsaw University of Technology. Research on Energy, Buildings, and the environment with a focus on renewable energy, especially on solar energy, heat pumps and energy storage. Fellow Member of the Thermodynamics Section of Thermodynamics and Combustion Committee, Fellow Member of the Physics of Building Construction Section of the Civil Engineering Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Fellow Member of the Energy Problems Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences. President of the International Solar Energy Society – Europe 2009 – 2011 and the Past President 2012 – 2013. President of the Polish Solar Energy
Society, since 1993. Editor in Chief of the “Polish Solar Energy” magazine. Since 1994 member of the World Renewable Energy Network – WREN. Nominated member of the AGE – Advisory Group on Energy for the FP7 of the European Commission 2007 – 2013. Member of the International Management Committee of the Smart Cities EERA JP. Awarded by the annual title of the year 2006 as „Promoter of Renewable Energy” by the “Clean Energy” magazine. Awarded by the Ministry of Buildings in 2006 for a chapter Low energy buildings. Renewable energy. in: Physics of Buildings, publisher Arkady. Awarded in 2008 by the World Renewable Energy Network – WREN as Pioneer of Renewable Energy. Awarded in 2009 by The Ministry of Infrastructure for the Best DSc Dissertation (habilitation) in Buildings and Construction discipline in 2008 in Poland. Awarded in 2010 by the Division of Production Engineering of the Warsaw University of Live Science for achievements and support for the Division. Awarded in 2012 by the Rector of the Warsaw University of Technology for the Best Scientific Achievements in 2011. Author of 220 national and international papers and 9 books and different reports.