Assistant Professor, Director of the Architectural Research Centre (ICIST-N8)
Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Instituto Superiôr Técnico
Av. Rovisco Pais
1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal
Director of the Architectural Research Centre of the Instituto Superior Técnico (ICIST – Group 8).
Responsible for several Disciplines of the courses of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Territorial
Engineering, namely Environmental Design, Sustainable Design, Building Services and
Infrastructures, and Architecture.
Responsible for two disciplines in the M.Sc. Courses of Construction (Bioclimatic Architecture) and Built Patrimony (Environmental Rehabilitation).
Supervisor of two Ph.D. students and five M.Sc. students.
Coordinator of three research projects: 1 E.U. project (ASIA-LINK, with general coordination by the University of Cambridge), and two E.C. funded National Projects on Sustainable/ Energy Efficient design.