Prof. Hassan NFAOUI

Solar Energy & Environment Lab - Morocco
Prof. Hassan NFAOUI

Prof. Hassan NFAOUI

Solar Energy & Environment Lab - Morocco
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Dr Hassan NFAOUI has a M.Sc in Solar Energy and a Ph.D in electrical engineering (Wind Energy) from the University of Mohammed-V (Morocco) in cooperation with the University of Reading (UK) sponsored by British Council. Since 1986, he has been at the Solar Energy & Environment Laboratory, developing and managing programs on renewable energy resource assessments and analysis. He is currently a Professor of Renewable Energy, electrical engineering and Energetic efficiency at University of Mohammed–V, Morocco.

Besides his current main area of research in wind energy and electrical engineering, he has several projects in solar energy area. Prof NFAOUI also, was appointed as an Academic expert in Wind and Solar energy resource assessments by the government. He has published several scientific research articles in international peer-reviewed journals and supervised several students to prepare their PhD thesis. He was an invited co-editor of LEF98 Journal (LIAISON: Energie-Francophonie) and reviewer in several International Journals in Wind and Solar energy, among them is the Renewable Energy and Solar Energy published by Elsevier. He has also contributed in the development of the Wind Energy Volume of Elsevier Encyclopedia for Renewable Energy published in 2012. He participated in the publication of several collective books, for example, “Wind energy in Morocco: Resources, Potential and Progress”, Wind Energy-Progress and Future Directions from Global Perspective, published by SPRINGER in 2019

Prof NFAOUI is also qualified in management and a member of several domestic and International Societies including WREN and the Moroccan Fulbright Alumni Association.