Prof. Anastasia Zabaniotou

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki - Greece
Prof. Anastasia Zabaniotou

Prof. Anastasia Zabaniotou

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki - Greece
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Aristotle University


Professor at the Chemical Engineering Department of the Faculty of Engineering of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. She holds a Ph.D. and a DEA from Ecole Centrale de Paris, France.


She has been working in the European Commission, in R&I policy as an officer and she still works as an expert. She is Chair of Biomass and Bioenergy of the International Renewable Energy Network (WREN/WREC), member of the International Relations Committee of Aristotle University.


She is a coordinator of T.I.M.E (Network for a double degree, coordinated by Ecole Centrale de Paris) and board member of RMEI (Network of Mediterranean Engineering Schools on Sustainable Development). She is a founder member of the Aristotle’s University Center for Space, Environment, Technology, and Gender issues. She is interested in multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary research and education. She is involved in activities concerning science and society, international Engineering
Education, and Mobility. Prof. Zabaniotou is active in Bio-Economy and Circular Economy concepts, with focus on thermochemical conversion of biomass, waste to energy, biofuels, carbon materials, biochar production in the context of cascade waste-bio-refinery and closing resources loops. She has been involved and coordinated many national and international applied R&I projects and her group awarded for the innovation and excellence several times. She is author and co-author of 110 papers in international journals and 300 conference presentations.


She has visited more than 30 Universities worldwide, been invited in international conferences as keynote speaker, organized several conferences, workshops, and events and awarded for innovation and excellence in research 7 times. On August 2018, she was honored to be invited by the WORLD ENERGY FORUM as Keynote speaker, at the International Inter Mongolia Energy Conference 2018 and also awarded as Bioenergy pioneer by WREC (World Renewable Energy Conference in London). She is a Gender Equity coordinator at RMEI.