Mr. Bello Salman

Consultant for Nigeria’s sustainable energy industry - Nigeria
Mr. Bello Salman

Mr. Bello Salman

Consultant for Nigeria’s sustainable energy industry - Nigeria
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Bello Salman is a consultant for Nigeria’s sustainable energy industry. He conducts the technical feasibility for renewable energy (RE) plants that are isolated or connected to the electrical grid. To date, he is on the team that has completed the technical feasibility for more than 50 RE projects in Nigeria. He was also the Lead Consultant to develop the “sustainability indicator framework for solar PV mini-grids in Nigerian’s off-grid sector”, and “sustainability consultant for the Nigerian’s Healthcare Sustainability Operational Guideline of Hybrid Solar PV System”. He was instrumental in revising Mini-grid regulations and the ESPRA on Electrification Access and Renewable Energy for Nigeria.


Salman advocates industry-based research. He serves as a Lecturer and the Unit Head of Transport Fuels and Clean Coal Technologies (Center for Energy and Environmental Research, Kaduna State University). His teaching commitment includes Climate Change, Energy Audit, Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Engineering, and Sustainable Energy Technologies. He is also a reviewer of several international journals. He also loves to teach and train undergraduates, graduate students and researchers through seminars, workshops and training. His area of interest also includes power systems-related studies, smart grid, and renewable energy. He has a special interest in rural electrification, and renewable energy/energy efficiency and is the advisor for the RE industry in Nigeria.